A. 注册、报名及信息填写
B. 健康状况和安全
C. 监护人责任
D. 关于室外课程的天气和空气质量情况
E. 费用支付
F. 课程取消
G. 缺席
H. 退款、费用保留和永久性离开
I. 肖像权和信息隐私
J. 持卡人(学生卡和尊享卡政策)
K. 特殊课程补充条款
A. 注册、报名及信息填写
1. 所有需要参加课程/活动/项目的学员,必须由监护人完整填写系统中的家庭信息和学员信息,包括年龄,健康情况和重要联系信息。
2. 监护人有义务保证所有系统中的家庭信息和学员信息及时更新并正确有效,确保在任何突发事件发生时可以及时联系到监护人。
3. 我们会不定时地向系统中的学员家庭发布关于课程/活动/项目的信息。
4. 监护人须自行确认在报名系统中,您账户内报名参加的课程信息是否正确,包括时间、地点和付费状态等。如发现有任何问题,请在课程开始前与公司客服部门联系。
5. 我们保证所有系统中的学员和家庭信息将被严格保密。在未得到学员监护人许可的情况下,不会向任何组织或第三方提供其信息。(除非在突发紧急情况,如医疗需要等。)
B. 健康状况和安全
1. 我们每时每刻遵循安全第一的原则,所有的课程/活动/项目都在尽可能保证安全的前提下进行。同时包括对员工进行安全准则的培训。
2. 学员和监护人需要对体育项目的所存在的普遍危险性有一定的认知,任何体育课程/活动/项目都存在一定的意外伤害风险。
3. 监护人对学员的安全须承担最终责任。监护有责任和义务确认学员的身体状况适合参加该课程/活动/项目。
4. SPORTSWORLD童励及其代表、员工和其他相关人员不对整个课程/活动/项目中所产生的任何风险和其他意外伤害事故负责。监护人自行承担学员在SPORTSWORLD童励项目中,由所发生的任何意外伤害事故而产生的医疗费用。SPORTSWORLD童励建议监护人应为学员参加课程/活动/项目购买相应的保险。
C. 监护人责任
1. 参加课程/活动/项目时,学员监护人需要在课程现场(除夏令营/冬令营/假期营),并对参加的学员负责。
2. 监护人应当尊重SPORTSWORLD童励的运动理念和设施设备使用规则。不得干扰课程的正常进行和影响教练授课。教练有权阻止此类行为。
3. 学员发生的任何受伤情况(包括自身,或导致他人受伤),以及引起课程/活动/项目和场地的设施设备的损坏,都将由监护人承担责任和负责赔偿。
D. 关于室外课程的天气和空气质量情况
1. 课程仅在极端或发布预警的危险气候条件下取消,如严重空气污染(空气质量达到180或以上)、闪电雷暴、台风等气候情况。
2. 如果由于天气原因而无法进行的室外课程,同时也无法安排在室内进行,我们会尽早通知家长取消课程。
3. 如果取消是在课程开始前,我们将会重新安排该节课程的时间或者此节课程的费用将可以保留并使用于其他课程。
4. 如果在课程进行中由于天气原因而无法继续课程,教练会将学员带至安全的室内等待家长来接。此类情况,课程将视作正常进行,不另外重新安排时间。
5. 此项条款同时也包括基于天气而影响其他安全因素的考虑,对例如足球课程等(场地湿滑等安全隐患)取消课程。
E. 费用支付
1. 学员须在完成SPORTSWORLD童励线上系统的注册、报名和审核成功后,支付课程费用。报名成功的确认,以完成付费后,在系统中的缴费成功为准。
2. 在审核成功后48个小时内,学员须完成课程费用的全额付款。如未能在48小时内及时完成付款,系统将自动取消课程所保留的名额,且不另行通知。
3. 学生的课程名额仅在同时满足以下情况下确认保留:
3.1 在系统中完整填写相关信息,完成注册,并在系统的课程中报名;
3.2 完成全额付费;
3.3 在完成线上注册,报名和完成全额付费的前提下,遵循先完成先得到名额的原则。
4. 家长有责任自行确认报名系统的家庭账户中,所参加课程的各项信息,包括报名和付费的状态是否完成,以保证报名成功。
F. 课程取消
1. 对于无法预见的突发事件,如教练生病且无法安排代课教练,我们将会取消课程。
2. 在此情况下,课包截止日将顺延,不予退费
3. SPORTSWORLD童励将尽量确保课程能够正常进行,包括安排代课教练。对于安排代课教练的课程,我们不保证会另做通知。
G. 学员缺席
1. 团体课程
1.1 如学员因故不能上课, 需在开课前至少3小时通知童励客服 或 登入至家庭账号完成自助请假。不同课包可使用的请假次数不同,如使用课包内的请假次数,将不会扣除课数费。顺延课包截止日,不予退费
1.2 如请假次数已使用完毕,学员未出席课程,系统将自动扣除课数
1.3 病假:如果学员因生病 或 受伤需缺席课程,请在开课前至少1小时通知童励客服并提供有效就诊证明, 将不扣除课数,顺延课包截止日,不予退费/如果学员由于长期疾病的特殊原因而需要暂停课程,须尽快以正式公司渠道向SPORTSWORLD童励办公室提出,并提供相关有效的医疗证明。我们可能会根据具体情况,考虑取消学员的报名,暂时冻结账户课程在之后使用。
2. 私教课程(一对一)
2.1 如果学员无法参加课程,家长须提前48小时在SPORTSWORLD童励官方微信公众号留言,告知我们学员的缺席,以便获得另外安排课程时间的机会。购买整学期课程,最多可以重新安排3次课程的机会。购买连续11节课程或者更多,但是少于一整个学期的课程,不能超过2次重新安排课程的机会。购买连续10节课程,可以重新安排1次课程的机会。(网球:将不重新安排课程,但会保留费用可用于其他课程)
2.2 如果我们在课程的48小时前没有同时收到学员课程缺席的官方微信公众号留言,我们将不会为缺席课程重新安排的机会,不能保留费用用于其他课程。
H. 退款、费用保留和永久性离开
1. 课程/活动/项目的第二次或夏令营/冬令营/假期营的第二天开始,将不予退费。
2. 在课程/活动/项目开始前不得少于14个工作日,学员可以申请100%的退费。
3. 在课程/活动/项目开始前少于14个工作日,学员可以申请80%的退费。
4. 任何以定金形式支付的费用将不予退还。
5. 所有申请成功的退费,必须在申请成功后3个月内领取,否则退费将会被取消。
6. 课程费用的保留将显示在学员的系统账户内,并必须在保留日起计算的6个月内使用于SPORTSWORLD童励的现有课程。
7. 退费和费用保留不适用于政府需要隔离、传染性疾病控制,或任何不可抗力的情况。
I. 肖像权和信息隐私
1. SPORTSWORLD童励有权对课程/活动/项目以及涉及到的学员进行照片或视频的拍摄。
2. 此类影像资料将有可能被用于公司的市场推广或培训课程。
A. 报名流程和费用支付
B. 安全和监护人责任
C. 取消和退款
D. 肖像权
A. 报名流程和费用支付
1. 所有需要住宿假期营的学员,必须由监护人完整填写系统中的家庭信息和学员信息,包括年龄,健康情况和重要联系信息。
2. 监护人有义务保证所有系统中的家庭信息和学员信息及时更新并正确有效,确保在任何突发事件发生时可以及时联系到监护人。
3. 学员在完成线上系统的注册、报名和审核成功后的48个小时内完成课程费用的全额付款。如未能在48小时内及时完成付款,系统将自动取消课程所保留的名额,且不另行通知。报名成功的确认,以完成付费后的系统缴费成功为准。
4. 费用包含: -行程内所有训练课程及道具费用; -行程内所有食宿费用;-制服;
费用不包含:-家长和学员前往上海集合地或者前往活动目的地的交通费用; -其他个人消费以及第 3 条内容中未涉及提及的费用。
5. 监护人须自行确认在报名系统的家庭账户中,所参加课程的各项信息是否正确(包括日期、时间、地点等),以及报名和付费的状态是否完成,以保证报名成功。如发现有任何问题,请在课程开始前与公司客服部门联系。
6. 在完成线上注册,报名和完成全额付费的前提下,遵循先完成先得到名额的原则。
7. 在等待名单里的学员,如果有更新名额,会按照报名的先后顺序依次确认。
8. 我们保证所有系统中的学员和家庭信息将被严格保密。在未得到学员监护人许可的情况下,不会向任何组织或第三方提供其信息。(除非在突发紧急情况,如医疗需要等。)
B. 安全和监护人责任
1. 我们每时每刻遵循安全第一的原则,住宿假期营在尽可能保证安全的前提下进行。同时包括对员工进行安全准则的培训。
2. 住宿假期营的学员和监护人需要对此所存在的普遍危险性有一定的认知,任何体育课程/活动/项目都存在一定的意外伤害风险。
3. 监护人对学员的安全须承担最终责任。监护有责任和义务确认学员的身体状况适合住宿假期营项目中的各项课程/活动/项目。
4. 童励将尽力保障学员在参加住宿假期营期间的人身安全,并承担由于管理缺失造成事故的法律责任;同时鉴于受托学生为未成年人,童励不具备法定监护权,故因受托学员自发病、过错、意外事件或者不可抗力而导致受托学员自身伤病、第三人受伤以及相关经济损失等情况,按照法律相关规定不应由童励承担责任的,则童励不予承担。
5. 童励为参加住宿假期营的学员投保组织者责任险。同时,童励建议监护人为学员购买相应的保险。
6. 学员在参加训练营期间如有身体不适或其他意外情况,童励应于第一时间通知学员法定监护人,同时将按照一般性常识对学员进行送医就诊;医疗及相关费用由童励先行垫付,在结束时与学员法定监护人进行结算:符合保险条款的由保险公司负责理赔,保险赔偿金由学员法定监护人受领;不符合保险理赔条件的,根据过错责任和法律规定各自承担。
7. 学员发生导致他人受伤,以及引起课程/活动/项目和场地的设施设备的损坏,都将由监护人承担责任和负责赔偿。
8. 由于场馆设施的要求和安全考虑,学员家长不能在假期营期间陪同。
C. 取消和退款
1. 在住宿假期营开始前的7天,学员可以申请100%的退款;在假期营开始前的1-6天,学员可以申请80%的退款。
2. 如果在住宿假期营开始当天或之后提出退营的,鉴于综合考虑甲方前期工作及投入的费用,童励将扣除实际已经发生的费用和成本(2套队服+一件T恤+一个包 300块)
3. 如果因为童励原因不能成营或取消而导致乙方不能参加住宿假期营,童励将退还全部费用。
4. 学员有下列情况之一的,童励有权取消学员的住宿假期营,并不予退还学员交纳的训练营全部费用;同时,学员及其法定监护人应自行承担相应法律责任,并就童励或第三人(方)因此遭受的损失承担赔偿责任:
5. 乙方不服从训练营安全管理严重影响训练营活动或造成他人人身损害的;
6. 乙方法定监护人或其委托人向甲方隐瞒乙方存在不适于参加训 练营的身体状况或重大手术的,如哮喘、心脏病、肝肾病严重者、严 重过敏症、精神状况疾病等,重大手术指:涉及躯体躯干头部及重要 内脏器官的手术。
D. 肖像权
1. SPORTSWORLD童励有权对假期营以及涉及到的学员进行照片或视频的拍摄。
2. 此类影像资料将有可能被用于公司的市场推广或培训课程。 如有异议,请在报名前提出。
Contact us:400-005-0806
Opening Hours:10:00-18:00 (Mon - Fri)
By registering/enrolling/participating your child in a SPORTSWORLD童励 program/class/activity you are acknowledging that you have read and understood our polices and agree to the contents.
A. Registration, Enrollment and Student Information
B. Health and Safety
C. Guardian Responsibility
D. Outdoor Class Weather and Air Quality
E. Payment
F. Cancellation
G. Absences
H. Refunds, Credits and Withdrawal from Program
I. Photographs and Privacy
J. Cardholders (Student and Privilege Access Cards)
K. Special Cases
1. All participants are required to register a family account and enroll for courses on the SPORTSWORLD童励 registration system which will include detailed student information such as age, medical information and important contact information.
2. Guardians have responsibility to ensure their contact details are kept up to date in the event of any class changes or emergencies, as we will need to contact you.
3. You may be contacted from time to time about our upcoming events and programs with this information.
4. Guardians are responsible to ensure the course enrolment information is correct in their Online Registration System account, including correct enrolment for time, location, and payment status. If there is any issue, please contact our office for assistance in advance of your program starting.
5. Your information will not be given to any other organizations or parties without your prior consent (except in the case of medical emergency).
1. The safety of participants in all of SPORTSWORLD童励 programs is of the highest priority. Classes take place with our trained staff and programs are designed with the highest level of safety in mind.
2. HOWEVER, with participation in any sports or physical activity comes a level of risk for the participant. Students and their guardians participating in SPORTSWORLD童励 programs assume this risk.
3. Guardians have ultimate responsibility for their child’s safety. They must decide if children are in a suitable healthy condition to attend SPORTSWORLD童励 programs.
4. SPORTSWORLD童励 accepts no liability for any accidents or injuries sustained by those participating in any of our classes, programs, camps, competitions and events. Guardians assume liability for medical fees for their child arising from any injury participating in SPORTSWORLD童励 programs. SPORTSWORLD童励 recommends guardians ensure they have purchased adequate insurance for their children participating in any programs.
C. Guardian Responsibility
1. Guardians are expected to be present and responsible for their students during their participation in our programs. (Excluding Camp Programs)
2. Guardians are expected to act in accordance with SPORTSWORLD童励 sporting values and facility rules. It is expected that Guardians will not interfere with the normal operation of the class or interrupt students or coaches. The coach or instructor’s word is final.
3. Participants' guardians will be held responsible for any injuries caused (to themselves or others) by student or guardians actions including any damages to the class facilities or property.
D. Outdoor Class Weather and Air Quality
1. Classes will only be stopped for extreme or dangerous weather conditions such as high pollution (180+ AQI), electrical storms and typhoons.
2. If alternative indoor venues are not available, parents will be advised as early as possible of cancellation of classes.
3. If classes are cancelled before they commence, they will be rescheduled if possible, or a credit note for future classes will be issued.
4. If the weather necessitates sudden cancellation during a class, children will be taken inside, and an instructor will wait with them until they are collected as usual. These classes will not be rescheduled.
5. The weather policy will also include decisions made for safety regarding certain programs such as tennis (where courts become dangerous and slippery in rain).
E. Payment
1. Fees will be charged once a class enrolment is confirmed in the SPORTSWORLD童励 Online Registration System. A student's enrolment is only confirmed and complete after full payment is received and confirmed in the Online Registration System.
2. Full payment is required in within 48 hours after enrolment application is confirmed in the online system. Incomplete payment beyond 48 hours, will result in automatic cancelation by the online system without notification.
3. A student’s place is reserved and secured in a class only after:
3.1 Official online account registration and official online enrolment;
3.2 Full tuition payment is complete;
3.3 Limited class slots are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis and based on official registration, enrolment, and complete payment status in the Online Registration System.
4. It is the client's responsibility to confirm that enrolment and payment is complete by checking their family account in the Online Registration System.
F. Cancellation
1. SPORTSWORLD童励 may cancel classes due to unforeseen circumstances, such as instructor illness if a substitute coach is not available.
2. In this case The end date of the course package will be postponed.
3. SPORTSWORLD童励 will make all efforts to ensure classes go ahead including sending a substitute coaches. Students will not necessarily be notified in advance if a substitute coach is sent.
G. Student Absences
1. Group Class
1.1 If students are unable to attend the class, they should notify Tongli customer service at least 3 hours before the class starts or log in to your family account to apply leave in the system / Different Class package comes with Different Quota of Leave. If leave applied, the class fee will not be deducted. The end date of the course package will be postponed.
1.2 If all leaves are used and the student does not attend the class, the system will automatically deduct the course fee
1.3 Sick leave: If students absent due to illness or injury, please notify Tongli customer service at least one hour before the class starts and provide a valid Medical Note. The course number will not be deducted and the course package end date will be postponed accordingly / In case a student must stop attending class due to extended illnesses, notify SPORTSWORLD童励 as soon as possible. With proper medical certification it may be possible cancel enrollment and freeze your account funds to be used at a later time.
2. Private Classes (1 to 1)
2.1 If a student is unable to attend a private class, official notice must be given 48 hours in advance to be eligible for any class rescheduling opportunity. ONLY Notice by direct message sent to the SPORTSWORLD童励 official WeChat account will qualify as official notice of absence. Purchase of a full semester of classes includes not more than 3 reschedule opportunities. Purchase of 11 or more, but less than a full semester of classes includes a maximum of not more than 2 reschedule opportunities. Purchase of a block of 10 classes includes a maximum of not more than 1 reschedule opportunity. (For canceled tennis, class fees will be credited back to account rather than class rearranged)
2.2 If notice of absence is not received 48 hours before an absence, class rescheduling will not be arranged for the missed class and class fee credit will not be given.
H. Refunds, Credits and Withdrawal from Program
1. After the start of the second class/game/day of activity fees are not refundable.
2. Registration fees are 100% fully refundable if a customer cancels enrolment not less than 14 working days before an activity commences.
3. Registration fees are 80% refundable if a customer cancels enrolment 14 or less working days before an activity commences.
4. Any deposits are non-refundable.
5. Refunds must be collected within 3 months of issue, or they will be cancelled.
6. Credit Notes must be used within 6 months of issue.
7. Credits and refunds will not be issued in the case of quarantines, epidemics, or any force majeure situation.
I. Photographs and Privacy
1. SPORTSWORLD童励 reserves the right to take photographs or videos of our classes, programs and activities and the students participating.
2. These photos may be used for promotional or staff training purposes.
Boarding Camp Policy
By signing up for the SPORTSWORLD Basketball Training Camp program, you have read, understood and agreed to all the term and conditions, as well as the disclaimer.
A. How to enroll class and complete payment
B. Safety and Guardian’s responsibility
C. Refund & Credits in account
D. Photographs and Privacy
A. How to enroll class and complete payment
1. All students who need to stay in the camp must have their family and student information, including age, health and important contact information, completed in the system by their guardian.
2. It is the responsibility of the guardian to ensure that all family and student information in the system is up-to-date and valid, and that the guardian can be contacted in case of any emergency.
3. Students should complete full payment of the course fee within 48 hours after completing the online system registration, registration and verification. If the payment is not completed within 48 hours, the reserved place will be cancelled automatically without prior notice. Confirmation of successful registration shall be subject to the system payment after payment.
4. Fees include: - All training courses and props during the trip; - All accommodation expenses during the trip; - the uniforms;
- Transportation for parents and students to the meeting place in Shanghai or to the activity destination is not included; - Other personal consumption and expenses not mentioned in article 3.
5. In order to ensure the success of the registration, the guardian must confirm whether the information of the course (including date, time, place, etc.) in the family account of the registration system is correct, and whether the status of registration and payment is completed. If you find any problems, please contact our customer service department before the course starts.
6. On the premise of online registration, registration and full payment, we follow the principle of first come first served.
7. Students on the waiting list, if there is a new place, will be confirmed according to the order of registration.
8. We guarantee that all information about students and families in our systems will be kept strictly confidential. Information will not be provided to any organization or third party without the permission of the student's guardian. (Unless there is a sudden emergency, such as a medical need.)
B. Safety and Guardian’s responsibility
1. We follow the principle of safety first at all times and the accommodation holiday camp is conducted as safely as possible. It also includes training employees on safety guidelines.
2. Students and guardians who reside in holiday camps need to be aware of the general risk that any physical education course/activity/program involves a certain risk of accidental injury.
3. The guardian is ultimately responsible for the safety of the student. It is the custodian's responsibility and obligation to ensure that the student is physically fit for the courses/activities/programs of the residential vacation camp program.
4. Tong Li will do its best to ensure the personal safety of students during the camp and bear the legal responsibility for accidents caused by the lack of management. At the same time, given the students a trustee for minors, TongLi does not have legal custody, so for the students from the onset, fault, accident or force majeure caused by the students their own injury, the third person injured and related economic losses, etc., in accordance with relevant provisions of the law should not be borne by the TongLi responsibility, TongLi shall not bear.
5. Tong Li will cover the organizer's liability insurance for students attending the camp. At the same time, Tong suggested that guardians buy appropriate insurance for students.
6. During the training camp, if the trainees have any physical discomfort or other unexpected circumstances, Tongli should inform the trainees' legal guardian at the first time, and send the trainees to the doctor according to the common sense. The medical treatment and related expenses will be paid by Tong Li in advance, and the settlement will be made with the legal guardian of the student at the end of the insurance: the insurance company will be responsible for the claims that meet the insurance terms, and the insurance compensation will be collected by the legal guardian of the student; If the insurance claims do not meet the conditions, the liability shall be borne separately according to the fault and legal provisions.
7. The guardian will be responsible and responsible for any damage to the facilities and equipment of the course/activity/project and the venue caused by injury to others.
8. Due to facility requirements and safety concerns, parents of students cannot accompany them during the holiday camp.
C. Refund & Credits in account
1. Students can apply for a 100% refund up to 7 days before the start of the residential holiday camp; Students can apply for an 80% refund 1-6 days before the start of the holiday camp.
2. If party B intends to withdraw from the camp on the day or after the camp starts, Tongli will deduct the actual expenses and costs incurred(2 suits + one T-shirt + one bag 300 RMB)and return the rest to the trainees in consideration of party A's previous work and investment.
3. If Party B cannot attend the camp due to the failure or cancellation of the camp due to Tong Li, Tong Li will refund all the fees.
4. In case of any of the following circumstances, Tongli has the right to cancel the accommodation holiday camp and not refund all the training camp fees paid by the trainees. At the same time, the student and his/her legal guardian shall bear relevant legal liabilities by themselves and compensate for the losses suffered by Tong Li or a third party
5. Party B's disobedience to the safety management of the training camp seriously affects the training camp activities or causes personal damage to others;
6. If party B's legal guardian or its client conceals from Party A that Party B has a physical condition or major operation that is not suitable for the training camp, such as asthma, heart disease, serious liver and kidney disease, severe allergy, mental illness, etc., major operation refers to the operation involving body, trunk, head and important internal organs.
D. Photographs and Privacy
1. SPORTSWORLD has the right to take photos or videos of the camp and the participants involved.
2. Such video materials may be used for company marketing or training courses. If you have any objection, please raise it before registration.
Contact us:400-005-0806
Opening Hours:10:00-18:00 (Mon - Fri)