New Term Registrations Open Now!

—Small Class Size/小班授课

—Logbooks and Certificates/记录并颁发证书

—We also run Holiday Classes,Sports Camps and other term programs.

Ou SwiProgram:

Courage—— water familiarisation, confidence and safety

Grow—— first steps to mastering the swimming strokes

Active—— the final challenge

Please consult more courses:


Opening Hours:

Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00

Register on our website:

Add 地 址

Kerry Sports

浦东嘉里大酒店 4-5F, No 1388, Huamu Rd

【Ambassy Club】

浦东鸿艺会 NO 588, Hongfeng Rd


翠湖天地 NO.10 Lane 168 Shunchang Rd

Central Residence

嘉里华庭 NO.116 Lane 1038 Huashan Rd