Swimming Program
Swimming Program
· Courage (4 levels)
· Grow(4 levels)
· Active(2 levels)
Level 1-Level 4
● Students will focus primarily on water familiarisation, confidence and safety.
● Students will need to be courageous while taking part in many fun and safe activities focused on developing initial breathing, floating and basic movement skills.
● Students will progress from receiving instructor assistance to gradually having more independence in the water.
Level 5-Level 8
● Taking the first steps to mastering the swimming strokes.
● Students are now more confident in the water and have demonstrated some level of independent movement.
● Students will gradually progress from swimming independently over short distances, through to a full 25 meters.
Level 9-Level 10
● Final challenge in the program and is for students who have already achieved a competent level of swimming ability.
● Students in this level will further develop these techniques as well as their endurance.
● Gain the ability to perform extended survival sequences and survival strokes.
Please consult more courses:
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00
Register on our website:
Add 地 址
【Kerry Sports】
浦东嘉里大酒店 4-5F, No 1388, Huamu Rd
【Ambassy Club】
浦东鸿艺会 NO 588, Hongfeng Rd
翠湖天地 NO.10 Lane 168 Shunchang Rd
【Central Residence】
嘉里华庭 NO.116 Lane 1038 Huashan Rd